Hope in the Wake of Disaster

Jun 3, 2024

Sherlonda woke up in a panic as her fire alarm sounded off in the middle of a February night. Smelling smoke nearby, she ran into her children’s rooms to get her family out. Then she stood in shock with her children on the street outside her apartment building while a total of eight apartments, including their own, burned.


“It was very overwhelming,” Sherlonda recalled, “We rushed to get outside and then we were watching all of the flames take over our apartment. It was so devastating, but thankfully we weren’t hurt.”

Sherlonda and her family moved into a vacant apartment in the same Greenwood complex the next day, but they were starting from scratch. The fire had started in the neighboring unit and had consumed all their possessions, from clothing and toys to furniture and kitchen appliances. A representative from The Salvation Army’s Johnson County Red Shield Center was one of the first to reach out to Sherlonda’s family. Providing much needed emergency assistance, they were able to help stabilize the family’s situation and secure what was needed to help life begin to return to normal.


“We are so grateful for The Salvation Army,” said Sherlonda. “They stood by me, asked me how they could help and just sprang into action. My family is so thankful for the community getting behind us.”

The Salvation Army provided a check to the family to help pay for bedding and furniture for their new apartment. The fire had destroyed all the Christmas presents the family had opened just two months before, so each of Sherlonda’s three children received toys and books. They also learned more about ministries offered by The Salvation Army in Johnson County, which resulted in Sherlonda’s two sons attending Game Night, a program where youths get together for a night of video games and ministry.


“Having my two boys go to the Game Night was very fun for them. They were able to run around, not think about anything that had just happened, and be a kid,” Sherlonda shared. Most importantly, The Salvation Army gave her family hope after their devastating fire. “The power of prayer helped me believe that God knows all and He will lift you up when you embrace Him.”

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