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LGBTQ Support

The Salvation Army serves everyone. With love. With hope. And without discrimination.

The Salvation Army National Commander, Commissioner David Hudson, shares the truth about The Salvation Army and its commitment to serving anyone in need, regardless of sexual or gender identity, orientation, belief, or any other factor.

Helping those in need is the heart of our mission.

We’re motivated by the love of God to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. We embrace people regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Our hiring practices are open to all, and we provide the same benefits to opposite-sex and same-sex couples.

The Salvation Army...

Any person who walks through our doors will receive assistance based on their need and our capacity to help. Our mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human need in His name without discrimination. 

When a transgender person seeks help from us, we serve them in the same manner as any other person seeking assistance. Too often, LGBTQ Americans experience unacceptable homophobia or transphobia when seeking shelter. The Salvation Army seeks to be a welcome, safe place for all men, women, and children.

We embrace talented people regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Our hiring practices are open to all.

We provide the same benefits to opposite-sex and same-sex couples.

You can help The Salvation Army serve our LGBTQ Neighbors

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