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Donor Advised Funds

Your generosity supports programs that help children like Luisa and her parents thrive, thank you!

Give from Your Donor Advised Funds

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a type of giving program administered by a third party that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities.

It is created for the purpose of managing charitable donations on behalf of an organization, family or individual. DAFs are an excellent way to both simplify your charitable giving and facilitate your strategic philanthropic goals.

DAFs allow donors to make gifts of cash, stock and other assets to the DAF. The donor receives an immediate tax deduction when the contribution is made. However, distributions from the DAF are not required immediately. Donors may take time to discern and select grants of specified amounts to the charities of their choice before advising their DAF administrator to make a gift to their charity.

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3 Easy Steps to Using Your DAF to Support The Salvation Army

  1. First, you must have an account set up with a charitable organization that supports Donor Advised Funds such as Fidelity Charitable or Bank New York Mellon (BNY Mellon).
  2. Second, you must advise how your funds are to be invested with your chosen DAF supporting organization.
  3. Finally, you can recommend grants using the DAF Direct form above.
    1. Simply state the name of your fund and specify your donation to "The Salvation Army East."
    2. Complete the form with a grant dollar amount and click "NEXT".

What Can Donor Advised Funds Do for The Salvation Army?

Your Donor Advised Fund provides an easy, flexible, low-cost method of giving which supports our mission and ministry. These gifts have been an essential part of the lasting change you help us to make in the lives of those who struggle. Donor generosity helps us share the love of God through our various programs that affirm the humanity of those who reach out to us for help as we meet their basic human needs.

Extending the Impact of your DAF

You can also choose to have any remaining DAF funds distributed to the The Salvation Army after your lifetime by naming The Salvation Army as a beneficiary of all or a portion of remaining funds.

If you choose to do so, please use the following legal name and tax identification to identify The Salvation Army:

The Salvation Army Tax ID: 13-5562351

The Salvation Army Legal Name: The Salvation Army (A New York Corporation)

Have a Question About DAF? Send us a Message!

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