Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Partners in Doing the Most Good Image

Partners in Doing the Most Good

The Salvation Army has changed lives and given hope to countless people throughout the nation. But it never does it alone.

Write a short paragraph about how important volunteers are to your local unit. This page should be updated for seasonal fundraising to reflect kettle season (both in Content text and Theater Space imagery). 

List specific opportunities (front desk, food partry, custodial work, etc.) with brief descriptions and how to sign-up, including Better Impact links.

Opportunity 1
Description of the volunteer opportunity, what you need this person to do. Include tasks, potential times and availability needs. 
Opportunity Link

Opportunity 2
Description of the volunteer opportunity, what you need this person to do. Include tasks, potential times and availability needs. 
Opportunity Link

Opportunity 3
Description of the volunteer opportunity, what you need this person to do. Include tasks, potential times and availability needs. 
Opportunity Link

Opportunity 4
Description of the volunteer opportunity, what you need this person to do. Include tasks, potential times and availability needs. 
Opportunity Link

List the need for other volunteering opportunities, such as recurring opportunities or group opportunities. 

List the contact information for any volunteer coordinator position. Make it as easy as possible for a potential volunteer to get in touch with your local unit. 
