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Organizations both large and small can make a powerful
impact on how we serve the Rochester community.
Organizations both large and small can make a powerful
impact on how we serve the Rochester community.
One of the most wonderful things about Rochester, NY is the generous and thoughtful business community that supports the neighbors around it. We've seen amazing things happen for the less fortunate when groups come together to help solve a local issue. Organizations who give back tend to grow and reap benefits, too! How to Grow a Business By Helping Non Profit Organizations
Charitable acts turn your core values into definitive efforts. Giving back makes a tangible difference for both staff members and those they help. Deciding what that act will be stems from your team's passion and talents. Whichever you choose, The Salvation Army in Rochester is here to help you help others.
Angel Tree tags provide toys to kids who otherwise might not receive any gifts or something special for Christmas or holiday they celebrate. Local families in need register their children and over 3,000 tags are made each year. A child's first name, gender, age and interests are listed on each tag. Buying one or two items from a child's wish list is a beautiful way to give back during the holidays. We're happy provide your business, community group or family with Angel Tree Tags. Fill out the form or email to request more information.
Did you know it only takes 8 people to keep a kettle standing for the whole day day? Two ringers at a time, who ring in two hours shifts, taking 4 shifts total (11am - 1pm, 1pm -3pm, 3pm - 5pm, 5pm to 7pm). That's "Adopting a Kettle" for one day!
Our Rochester Red Kettle Coordinator, Sheila, can help you find a Kettle location that's perfect for your small group. Visit or Email for more details.
You or your organization can help by leading collections of essential items like toiletries, winter hats/coats/gloves, and non-perishable foods. Event support is especially important during the holiday season; bell ringing, kettle sponsorships, battle of the bells and more. We can help you find the right volunteer opportunity for your passion and talents at
Being in a shelter at any time of the year isn't easy. Knowing that someone is thinking of you and wants to make it easier can help relieve stress and sorrow. Gift bags with new socks, chap sticks, hard candy and emery boards in them are a great way to say "we care." Email or fill out the form below for more details!
The Salvation Army helps bring people together by providing everything needed for a traditional dinner or a holiday celebration at home. Want to volunteer by collecting, sorting or packing family meals? Email or fill out the form below to let us know.
Place one of our small kettles at your location’s front desk, near a register, or on your family dinner table! We encourage you to select a “kettle ambassador” at your site who will remind others about the collection and monitor donations. All monies raised through these mini-kettles around Rochester will go directly to our Red Kettle Campaign, which helps fund our local services & programs. BONUS: Counter-Top Kettles can be counted towards your "Battle of the Bells" final contribution.
Who doesn't want to ring outside their favorite store at Christmas time?!? Organize a group to ring at a local Red Kettle location, or let us know if you'd like to ring at your own location. We've made a contest out of this holiday tradition called “Battle of the Bells”. All you need to do is ring at a kettle for at least 4 hours before December 24th. Multiple shifts under your group's name are encouraged! Find out more our our "Battle of the Bells" webpage.
If you don’t have time to commit, you can simply write a check with “Hope Marches On" in the memo or visit here for our secure online donation form. You will receive a letter of thanks with our 4013b information on it for tax deduction purposes.
· Host a collection / food drive - Everyone's got some extra soup or shampoo at their place. Place a box in your office and spread the word that you're collecting an item or two that the less fortunate can use. Extend the collection to your clients to have them add to total!
· Volunteer at a fundraiser - Help at registration, set up/tear down, monitor the onsite auction...we can always use a helping hand! Find out what volunteer opportunities are coming up for The Salvation Army on our Volunteer United page here.
· Sponsor an event - The event could be ours or yours! We have an annual golf tournament with sponsor packages of all sizes. If you're hosting a seminar, lunch and learn, trade show etc., consider adding a raffle or 50/50 to raise funds. Inspire more people to attend when a portion of your ticket sales goes to your local Salvation Army.
· Donate your office space or services - If your venue works for networking events, off-site planning, or has a purpose others can use, let us know! There's so many ways a new location can help those that see the same 4 walls every day. If you provide a service our staff or shelter guests can benefit from, we'd love to hear more about them.
· Join a committee or our Advisory Board - Here at the Salvation Army we have 8 committees and 25 areas of advisement within our Board. Consider sharing your time, talents or treasure with us! More details and a list of current members can be found here.
· Create a Contest / Challenge - Why not organize something fun that also gives back to those in need? Plan a walk or run to raise money and awareness. Create fitness or trivia challenges that doubles as a fundraiser. Challenge your staff to bring in a goal amount of toothbrushes and toothpaste by a certain date. Allow jeans in the office when they donate a dollar in your collection jar. Find something that fits your work culture or call us for more ideas.
· Become a Matching Donor - Set a donation goal that your company will match dollar-for dollar for, then share the details with your staff and clients. If you'd like we'll share your match with our contacts, too. It doesn't have to be a grand amount. Matching donors often get a bunch of small amounts to add up to one, big total!
As a leader or committee member who's thinking about what you can do...also consider the time, cost and goal. If you need help creating the right "giving back" initiative, please reach out. Our community relations coordinator can help at or 585-754-9919. We'd love to partner with you, promote your volunteerism, and help you reach your charitable giving goals.