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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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We offer a variety of services Image

We offer a variety of services

How We Help

Every day, we help people throughout Coshocton, Ohio. We offer unique, local programs, designed to meet the specific needs of our community. 

Christmas Assistance

The Salvation Army recognizes that holidays can bring added financial and emotional stress for families in need. We offer a variety of services to help families and individuals make it through more difficult holiday seasons.

Missing Persons Services

The Salvation Army Missing Persons program is a unique international social service. Its purpose is to help facilitate successful reunions between family members who have lost contact with each other. Learn More Here

Helping the Homeless

At The Salvation Army, we help provide food, blankets, coats, hats, gloves, clothing and shoes for the homeless. 

Food & Clothing Assistance

No one should ever go a day without a meal or feel ashamed about asking for help. That’s why many of our locations provide food, blankets and winter apparel for our neighbors in need.



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