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We love because God loved us first Image

We love because God loved us first

The Salvation Army provides spiritual services to anyone God brings across our path.

Our Motivation

At its heart, The Salvation Army is a church. This foundation is what motivates us to do the work that we do. We love God and serve others because of His love for all. That’s where our mission comes from – to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet needs in His name without discrimination. Because, we want others to come to know God’s love too. These are our marching orders.

We desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, wherever and whenever we can.

The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Our message is based on the Bible, our ministry is motivated by the love of God, and our mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ as we meet human needs in His name without discrimination. Every program we offer is rooted in our passion to serve God by serving the lost, the vulnerable, the needy, the poor, the hurting, the helpless and the hopeless.

A Biblical Foundation

Everything we teach is rooted in God's Word, the Bible. Our organization started as an outreach of the church in Victorian England. When the East End of London was a place most people were afraid to go, William and Catherine Booth felt that God wanted them to go into this darkness and share His love. Booth was smart enough to realize that no one, "could hear a preacher if his stomach was growling more loudly from hunger than the preacher could speak!" Together, they set about meeting simple needs as living examples of God's love, with the hope that their action would be more effective than merely words. More than 150 years later, The Salvation Army has churches in 129 countries around the world and has faithfully obeyed the words of Jesus in Matthew 28:19 to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Read Our Full Doctrinal Statement




We exist for one reason: to meet human need in Jesus’ name without discrimination


We have 29 Corps Worship & Community Centers within New Jersey, which provide religious and social services adapted to the needs of their communities


We have 101 active service units within New Jersey (approximately 500 volunteers)


We’ve been pursuing The Salvation Army’s mission in New Jersey since 1880


Globally, we serve the hurting in 130 countries around the world

Bible Message on Facebook/Mensaje de la Biblia en Facebook 10:00 AM
Monday and Wednesday/Lunes y Miércoles  
Conversational Spanish (online)/Español Conversacional (en linea) 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Conversational English (online)/Inglés Conversacional (en linea) 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

  Call us: 
(862) 774-1208

Other Ways We Meet Needs
