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Over 8 Million Meals Served


The Salvation Army in Newark strives to be agile and meets community needs through relevant programs and services. To this extent programs and services are consistently evaluated and adapted to changing community needs. No better example than The Salvation Army Newark’s response during the COVID19 pandemic. The organization adapted its operating model to meet critical community needs.


87,000 Nights Of Shelter


From April 2020 to Dec 2021 the Salvation Army in Newark served over 8 million meals to those experiencing food insecurity during the crisis. For two years The Salvation Army partnered with the City of Newark to operate an emergency shelter housing over 300 individuals experiencing homelessness who otherwise did not have a place to isolate. While sheltered our case managers continued to meet with individuals to help them transform their futures, 90% of the individuals served were placed in permanent supportive housing or are on the pathway to permanent housing.


Emergency Housing to Over

300 Individuals


The organization also partnered with the City of Newark for 6 months during the height of the pandemic to operate a quarantine site serving over 100 individuals. During times of disaster or crisis The Salvation Army is usually the first on the scene to provide services and remains long after to ensure holistic healing.
