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We Love Those In Prison Image

We Love Those In Prison

In the U.S. 2.3 Million Persons Are Incarcerated

The Salvation Army ministers to the incarcerated who for whatever reasons have made inappropriate choices that have landed them in correctional institutions.

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How We Help

Biblical Correspondence

Through God’s grace and mercy prisoner's lives can be changed for the better. To this end The Salvation Army through regular visits to institutions and correspondence courses provides opportunities for the renewing of the mind through God’s Word, the leading of the Holy Spirit as well as pastoral and mentoring relationships. Men, women, and youth who are incarcerated are shown what it means to follow Jesus, experience all that God has for them, and live good and honorable lives.

Family Support

The Salvation Army ministers to the families of the incarcerated by providing spiritual guidance, supportive counselling, and material assistance. This is accomplished by helping families to know and utilize community resources and by providing character building programs for children along with other practical services. Families are encouraged to attend and participate in regular worship services and Christian education programs.

Re-Entry Support

Re-entry into society when prison terms conclude continues to be one of the greatest challenges for the incarcerated. Without the appropriate resources, it is increasingly likely that those recently released will end up returning to prison. In response to this, The Salvation Army offers residential services such as Harbor Light Centers and Adult Rehabilitation Centers. In many communities, practical assistance such as clothing for job interviews, transportation assistance, and food vouchers are offered to aid in the transition process. Releasees are encouraged to become actively engaged in a faith community such as a local church or a Center for Worship and Service of The Salvation Army.


Salvation Army Bible Correspondence Courses

The Salvation Army's Bible Correspondence Lessons are available to all incarcerated persons. For many, the lessons offer new understandings and form the base for developing a spiritual motivation for their lives.

Check Out Our Bible Correspondence Courses

Bible Correspondence Courses

The Life of Christ

The Study of Jesus' earthly life and teaching as portrayed in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

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Bible Correspondence Courses

The Christian Life

A study the Christian life's components.

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Bible Correspondence Courses

The Early Church

The study of the new church as brought forth in the book of Acts, it's growth and expansion, Paul's Epistles, and General Epistles Revelations.

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Bible Correspondence Courses

Early Beginnings

Genesis, the first book in the Bible, tells us the beginning of many things the beginning of the world; of mankind; of human sin; of the plan of salvation.

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Bible Correspondence Courses

History of a Nation

This study begins with the capacity of the Israelites in Egypt and includes their travels in the wilderness an entrance into the promise land. It also covers the establishment, the law, the priesthood and the History of the Israelite nation.

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Bible Correspondence Courses

Survey Course

A walk through the bible book by book.

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Advanced Courses

The Advent of Jesus Christ

An in depth study of the birth of Jesus, the event, characters involved, the part the characters played and how the event related to us today.

Footsteps to Calvary

An in depth study Jesus' death and resurrection-events leading to the crucifixion on Jesus and the victory of the resurrection, the character and their rolls and the part we play.

Tabernacle Types and Teachings

A study of the Tabernacle, its' purpose, its construction, its furniture. This study concentrates on the many symbolisms of the tabernacle which are fulfilled in the New Testament. It is meant to stimulate the students mind so that they will make a further search of the scriptures.

The Priesthood Old and New

A Study of the Old Testament priesthood, and how it compares with the New Testament priesthood.

The Greatest Plan

An in depth study of the plan of salvation!

A Brief Study of the Psalms

A study of the purpose and types of Psalms and including the major religious themes of the Psalms.

Sign Up for Correspondence Courses

The Salvation Army’s Bible Correspondence Lessons have been primarily used with incarcerated persons, however is available to any individuals interested in expanding their biblical knowledge.


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