Essential Support for Every Generation

May 28, 2024

Some of our most vulnerable populations, including adults over the age of 65, continue to face loneliness, apprehension, and may feel forgotten or left behind, especially in the wake of the pandemic. The Salvation Army Western Pennsylvania Division has reinvigorated programming and created Older Adult Ministries (OAM) dedicated outreach to a generation of family and friends who have given so much of themselves for the success of us all.

         Fellowship is a tenant of Salvation Army programs, and this is especially true for Older Adult Ministries, where it provides social connection and a sense of belonging, which is essential for wellbeing.

The Salvation Army in Homewood rolled out the red carpet for 28 seniors one evening in the spring of 2024 for a dazzling Senior Prom! Delicious food and uplifting devotionals set the stage for an evening where everyone was encouraged to feel “bold, beautiful, and blessed.”

The night sparkled with laughter and connection. Those in attendance rekindled old friendships and made new ones, reminding us of the power of community and camaraderie. This event truly embodied the spirit of The Salvation Army’s Older Adult Ministries program, celebrating the vibrant lives of neighbors of all ages.

Together, we can make sure all members of our community feel cared for and supported – because the future and the golden years are meant to be nothing short of bright. Visit for more information about this ministry.

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