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The Salvation Army College for Officer Training instituted this “Three Ss” booklet along with the “Community Guidelines” as the effective Codes of Conduct for all cadets (students) in 2017. All entering and returning cadets receive these documents at the school opening Orientation meetings to familiarize them with some of the most central issues, the College’s rules, as well as regulations and responses to various requirements from governmental and legal entities.

The Codes of Conduct documents outline that The Salvation Army College for Officer Training is unique as an academic institution. Its sole purpose is to produce a singular and specific role; that of a fully trained and equipped Salvation Army officer (clergy). Cadets accepted to the College do so for a life-long, professional occupation to minister in Christian faith and serve suffering humanity throughout the Eastern United States and Puerto Rico. Therefore, we accept candidates as students/cadets who are called to this lifelong service, who are members of The Salvation Army, and who have the capacity not only to excel in an academic setting, but in a clergy/leadership role.

Our College Catalog reads, “The College for Officer Training is open to all students who qualify under its academic and spiritual standards, regardless of race, national origin, disability status or gender. To be accepted as a cadet academically, a candidate must be a high school graduate or possess a G.E.D. or equivalent educational mark (from countries outside the U.S.). All successful candidates are uniform-wearing, senior soldiers (members) of The Salvation Army for at least one year before entering the College.”

Also, on the College’s website some base level criteria are listed, as follows:

• Must be an active member of The Salvation Army Church, called a "soldier"

• Must have one year of membership as a soldier prior to entering the CFOT

• Must have the recommendation of the Corps Officers (local minister)

• Age requirement is between one year after graduating from high school and 55 years of age

• Must have no financial debt or a plan to resolve it prior to entrance

• If married, the spouse needs to have the same calling to full-time ministry and commence the same application process for admittance