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Each year, The Salvation Army provides over 10 million nights of shelter to those in need.
A roof over your head. A warm bed. A safe space.
Sometimes life does not turn out how we planned. You are not alone. The Salvation Army is here for you.
The goal of The Salvation Army’s Social Services is not only to help individuals and families through difficult times, but also to enable them to find permanent housing and learn how to live productive and fulfilling lives.
If you would like to donate to this program, please email Marsha Corcoran.
The Emergency Housing Residence provides emergency shelter to single women and single/two parent families with children for 30 to 90 days along with wrap-around services that work to prevent chronic homelessness.
Case Managers assist the residents with the development and follow-through of individual goal plans that contain measurable outcomes leading to self-sufficiency.
Residents attend workshops/group counseling and Case Managers make referrals for community services for counseling, health benefits, education, employment, job training, childcare, health issues, etc., as needed.
The Salvation Army believes that every individual and family has the right to decent, safe, and affordable housing.
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
The Rapid Rehousing (RRH) program is a collaborative grant program established by the DE State Housing Authority and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh.
The program’s goal is to assist in solving the challenges of obtaining permanent housing in a rapid manner for individuals and families that are currently residents of emergency/transitional housing in New Castle County. The program also provides long-term case management to tackle barriers that prevent housing stability.