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Our Doors are always open

each year, The Salvation Army provides over 10 million nights of shelter to those in need

How We Provide Housing Assistance



The Adult Shelters Department has two distinct programs.  Each program features:

  • 24-hour availability, 365 days per year
  • 24-hour crisis hot lines
  • Emergency and crisis intervention
  • Case management, outreach and after care
  • Assessment of physical & mental health and drug & alcohol abuse
  • On-site referral for treatment and services
Emergency Family Shelter
Syracuse, New York 13202  Phone: 315.479.1332  Fax: 315.479.1158

The Salvation Army’s Emergency Family Shelter is the only family shelter in Onondaga County licensed by the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance. With 100 beds, 10 cribs and 26 units, we provide temporary emergency housing and counseling services for homeless families of any configuration, including extended families, men with children, older male children and single pregnant women. Crisis counseling, comprehensive social work assessment services and linkages to community resources for aftercare support are provided to secure and maintain permanent housing.


The Ethel T. Chamberlain Women's Residence and Women's Shelter
Syracuse, New York 13204  Phone: 315.472.0947  Fax: 315.422.0931

The Salvation Army’s Women’s Shelter provides temporary emergency housing for 15 adult women who have serious mental health and/or substance use disorders. Crisis counseling, comprehensive social supports, mental health services and linkages to community resources are provided to help the women obtain housing stability, income supports, mental health treatment and supportive services. The Permanent Supportive Housing program includes 16 subsidized one-bedroom apartments for formerly homeless women.  The program includes wrap around supports including case management, life skills activities, socialization, and other supportive services to assist women to be as independent as possible and avoid the recurrence of homelessness in the future. 



Other Ways We Meet Needs