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Point your kids in the right direction — when they're old they won't be lost.
Proverbs 22:6 (MSG)
Enabling our children to be successful in life is one of the greatest challenges facing us today, and we are working towards changing the future by impacting the lives of children today.
With a variety of character-building activities for children of all ages, music and arts programs that provide creative and healthy outlets of expression, and a youth summer camp, youth development is one of the top priorities for The Salvation Army in Fairfield County.
Many teens today are wrestling with some of the big questions of life. For many at-risk youth, the support and positive influences needed to navigate these times may not be available at home. The Salvation Army in Fairfield County has developed a program and drop-in center specifically for those youth. Teens meet each Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. for fellowship and community in a safe, structured and Christian-led atmosphere. All teens ages 13-17 are welcome to attend.
>> For more information, please contact Captain Laura DeMichael at 740-687-1921 ext. 1002 or via email at
The Salvation Army provides activities for children ages 6-12. Each Thursday night, character and community building programs are provided through our Junior Youth Group. Children share a meal together, participate in fun activities and then enjoy a Bible lesson afterwards. All children ages 6-12 are welcome to participate. Transportation is available!
>> For more information, please contact Captain Laura DeMichael at 740-687-1921 ext. 1002 or via email at
From the earliest days of The Salvation Army, music has played a vital role. William Booth, the founder of The Salvation Army was quoted as saying, “Teach a boy to blow a horn and he’ll never blow a safe!” For many, arts and music have become an integral part of their memories of The Salvation Army.
The Salvation Army in Fairfield County is no exception. Music is a key part of our program from our youth “Singing Company” and youth drama to our contemporary worship band. Children and adults alike are encouraged to express themselves in both corporate and individual settings.
Private and group lessons are available for children. The Institute for Arts and Music (iAM) for children meets each Sunday afternoon.
>> For more information or to join our music or youth programs, please call 740-687-1921 ext. 1001 or email
Located in beautiful Oregonia, Ohio, Camp SWONEKY (Swo-neck-ee) has been the highlight of summer for area youth for 50 years. Opportunities for growth -- physical, social, educational and spiritual -- abound throughout each camp session.
Camp activities include a wide range of indoor and outdoor recreation, sports, team-building activities and more, and an integral part of Camp SWONEKY is to help children grow in awareness and knowledge of God. Camp-wide Sunday morning worship services are conducted in addition to daily Morning Discovery and daily cabin devotions.
Camp SWONEKY is licensed by the State of Ohio, accredited by the American Camp Association, and is a member of the Christian Camp and Conference Association.
Children from throughout Fairfield County are eligible to attend camp at a drastically reduced rate of just $25 (the actual cost is $450). To register, please call 740-687-1921.
>> For more information about Camp SWONEKY, please visit or click here to watch our camp video.
In addition, for teens, The Salvation Army of Fairfield County also offers its Bridging the Gap program for at-risk youth who are part of the Fairfield County Juvenile Court system. This is a youth life skills program for first-time offenders (and their families) who are currently involved in the probation program through the Fairfield County Juvenile Court. The curriculum empowers young people by providing the tools necessary for successful decision-making, self-respect, information about themselves and community resources, and the ability to problem solve.
The program provides court-involved youth with a well-structured, comprehensive personal development, education and community service learning experience. The program provides opportunities for tutorial services, life skills, gang awareness, health education, occupational therapy, computer training, mediation and conflict resolution.
The program operates Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The program is led by a staff facilitator who has been trained in working with youth and volunteers from our community.
>> For more information, please contact Captain Laura DeMichael at 740-687-1921 ext. 1002 or via email at