Staff Spotlight: Diane Williams
This month we are introducing you to the amazing Diane Williams. As a Family and Permanency Specialist, she often describes herself as the person who works with families at the very beginning, and very end, of their foster care and adoption journeys (although we know she also does quite a bit of work in the middle, too - she's basically the "jack of all trades" when it comes to family services!). Diane brings a wealth of experience to her role, having worked for The Salvation Army in Colorado with families experiencing homelessness. Therefore, she is often tapped for her expertise when it comes to helping families with housing resources.
One of Diane's most treasured roles in life is as mom of two and grammy of one. Her personal and professional experiences make her a great person to share advice and perspective to many other staff in the office, and we also all certainly appreciate her sense of humor.
Get to know Diane:
What is your role at the Salvation Army and what does it entail?
I am a Family and Permanency Specialist. I have two primary roles. I conduct and write home studies for prospective foster and adoptive resource families, providing an in-depth picture of the resource family and home with a recommendation for foster care or adoption licensure. In my second role I work with post-adoptive families as a case advocate. In my advocate role I assist families that are currently experiencing challenges with their adopted children in a variety of ways. This could be resource research and connection, advocacy with schools, care providers, agencies or other resources and in-home education and support in the use of various parenting tools and strategies.
What drew you to a career in social work?
As an adolescent I experienced the impact of a community coming together to help a family in dire need. It was a powerful experience and stuck with me, shaping the direction of my life. I knew from that time that I wanted to be someone that had that kind of positive, uplifting and empowering impact on the lives of those around me.
If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing about the child welfare system, what would it be?
To consider "professional" foster parents as a viable option for placement. Resource homes whose adult members are exclusively foster families with targeted, specific training, education, and experience requirements. These homes could potentially better meet the time needed for children with high levels of care in medical, visitation, supervision, and therapeutic needs, along with biological parent support.
A second wand wish is to have abundant funding to provide incomes to those in the non-profit social work field that is commensurate with the value and importance of their work.
What is one piece of advice you have for people considering becoming foster/adoptive parents?
Be sure you are doing this for the right reasons. For the children needing a safe and nurturing home, not to meet your own needs. Take care of you first, before you commit to taking care of these children that need nurturing and healthy adults to help them heal from the grief and loss in their young lives.
What are you doing for self-care these days?
I make cross-stitch projects. The time stitching is for me, to relax and de-stress, and quiet my mind. Framing and gifting them to my friends and family is the joyful conclusion of each project.
I like to go on walks with my partner and enjoy nature around us. We particularly like walking in quiet, wooded areas or near water of any sort. This winter we are planning to go walking in the woods during a snowfall for the quiet and reverent beauty.
Twice a year I go and spend a week with my precious 4 year old granddaughter out of state or bring her and my son here for a week. I take that time to focus 100% on them. She fills my heart with joy, and he will always be my baby, much to his annoyance!
And just for fun...what are your favorite:
- Animal - Dog
- Color - Red
- Food - Potatoes, cooked in any way!
- Ice Cream Flavor - French Vanilla (it goes with so many possible toppings!)
- Sport - Baseball (to's the only one I understand!)
- Vacation Destination - UK/Europe. I hope to get there someday. In the meantime, the woods and mountains any time of year.
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