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Formerly known as HIV/Health Home Services, ECS's mission is to improve the health and lives of individuals in vulnerable communities.
In response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the 1980s, The Salvation Army opened its Essential Community Solutions (ECS) Center, previously known as HIV Health Home Services. At the Bronx center, we provide intensive medical case management and care coordination to meet the specific needs of New Yorkers suffering from HIV/AIDS, and as of 2012, expanding to other chronic health illnesses, including diabetes, asthma, hypertension, obesity, substance abuse, and mental health disorders.
Soluciones Comunitarias Esenciales (ECS), anteriormente conocido como HIV Health/Home Services, se creó en respuesta a la pandemia del VIH/SIDA en la década de 1980. El Ejército de Salvación abrió su centro de Servicios para el VIH en el Bronx. Comenzó como un programa intensivo de gestión de casos médicos y coordinación de la atención que satisfacía las necesidades muy específicas de los neoyorquinos que padecían VIH/SIDA.
Today, Essential Community Solutions focuses on helping disenfranshised individuals and families in the community to work towards stability and improved health. We provide referrals to mental health and substance abuse services, support groups, nutrition and health education, legal assistance, housing assistance, financial counseling, emergency food, and travel assistance. Once clients develop independence in managing their needs they can graduate from the program and step down in services.
En 2012, los servicios ofrecidos en HIV Health/Home Services se ampliaron para incluir muchas enfermedades crónicas como diabetes, asma, hipertensión, obesidad, abuso de sustancias y trastornos de salud mental. Puedes conocer más sobre los servicios que ofrece nuestro centro en nuestra Memoria Anual 2021.
If interested in learning more about Essential Community Solutions, please reach out to our Intake Director, Daniel Serrano at or use the contact form below. Someone from our team will reach out to you shortly!
La misión de ECS es mejorar la salud y la vida de las personas en comunidades vulnerables brindándoles herramientas, recursos y orientación para los problemas que se enumeran a continuación.
"The Salvation Army here turns nobody away. I see The Salvation Army as home because a lot of people have experienced a lot of things and you really don't know where a person has been on the other side of the desk."
- Michael
R.I.P May 3, 2019
The Medical Treatment Support program offers local healthcare options based on preferences, with a care manager to optimize care coordination and treatment success.
The Mental Health Treatment Support program connects members to mental health providers, working with care managers to support treatment goals.
The Entitlements/Benefits program provides advocacy and assistance to help members navigate government-funded programs to access eligible entitlements/benefits.
The Food Resource program partners with local food programs and pantries, addressing both emergency and long-term food needs.
Access emergency and long-term travel resources, like MetroCard vouchers, Access-A-Ride, and Medicaid-funded transportation.
Help members access housing options by navigating applications and advocating for improved conditions, reducing stress and time spent on housing search.
"The Salvation Army helped me get an apartment and they are the reason I am where I am. They remind me about things like appointments and help me do things I love, like drawing and coloring. I'm feeling strong now because of the Army, and I'm ready to move on and do things differently."
- Rita
Watch Rita's StoryECS provides services to anyone who suffers from the following
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To receive more information on our programs or to get in contact with someone from our team, please fill out the form below.
Para recibir más información sobre nuestros programas o ponerte en contacto con alguien de nuestro equipo, por favor completa el formulario a continuación